Our Approach

At 1919 Investment Counsel, LLC, the first step is for our portfolio managers to work with you to gain an understanding of your financial situation, including long-term goals and short-term needs. Then we create and implement an investment plan customized to reflect your unique circumstances. Periodic review of your financial situation enables us to make sure your plan evolves as you do.

We Seek to Preserve and Grow Wealth

Preserving, enhancing and managing allocation of your investment funds is our priority. We strive to guide you through the complexities of making an investment plan, giving you objective and sound insight aimed at helping you meet your individual financial goals. The client-centered approach followed by 1919ic's portfolio managers and trust officers focuses on the following:

Investment Policy & Asset Allocation

You need a clear plan to define and help you achieve your financial goals. At 1919ic, we use the information gleaned from our conversations about all aspects of your financial holdings, spending needs, risk proclivities, tax situation, and legacy goals to develop an investment policy that supports your plan. Then we establish an appropriate asset mix to pursue your goals.

Asset allocation is at the heart of what we do, helping you stay the course towards your goals. As we monitor the economy and financial markets, we review your asset allocation and adjust the mix of assets as appropriate. This is an ongoing process.

Tailored Solutions

We listen to you, understand your circumstances and then construct and manage your portfolio to address your specific needs and goals. We monitor investments on a continuing basis and make modifications as market conditions and situations warrant. Frequent communication with your portfolio manager ensures that your portfolio reflects your changing circumstances.

Risk Management

Our outlook on risk is simple: we do not avoid it, we manage it. In addition to diversification and active portfolio management, we focus on quality to reflect our wealth preservation bias. Our goal is to help protect your assets and provide competitive returns in every market climate.

Direct Access

You have direct access to the investment professional who makes the decisions in your portfolio, the person who understands your risk tolerance, tax situation, and estate planning needs.

Tax-Sensitive Portfolios

We take time to examine your tax situation, including income, estate, gift and other taxes. Your customized portfolio reflects your objectives within sound tax planning parameters.