Strategic Asset Allocation

At 1919, we strive to provide each client with a tailored strategic asset allocation. Asset allocation is the primary determinant of portfolio returns, and as such we believe your asset allocation should reflect your unique goals and objectives. Through the planning process, your dedicated team will seek to understand your situation and ensure that your asset allocation is aligned with those long term goals and objectives.


Tailored Solutions

Expertise Delivered Through
Personalized Service

Designed for Flexibility

We believe your asset allocation should be strategic in nature, maintaining a focus toward your long-term goals, while also being flexible to accommodate tactical shifts that reflect our more near term view on a particular asset class.

Each account or grouping of accounts will have an Investment Policy Statement that not only reflects goals, objectives, and investment constraints, but also will have long term ranges for the core asset classes in the portfolio. This provides your portfolio management team flexibility in making tactical over and under-weights, while remaining within an asset allocation range that achieves your portfolios long term objectives.

The Investment Policy Statement is long term in nature, but can be revisited as needed when circumstances or needs change.

Tailored Asset Allocation to Your Financial Goals

Analyze Your Objectives

  • Identify needs and goals and assign priorities to them
  • Consider tax implications
  • Define risk tolerance and time horizon

Evaluate Economy and Asset Classes

  • Project returns from various asset classes over different time periods
  • Assign probabilities to primary forecast and alternative outcomes. Analyze in order to evaluate risks and opportunities

Establish Investment Policy Guidelines

  • Avoid extreme positions based on any one outlook
  • Balance investments in alternative asset categories to match our assessment of risk/reward tradeoffs

Mesh Your Objectives with Policy Guidelines

  • Create a custom-tailored portfolio
  • Tactically adapt guidelines as needed to reflect major trends in the economic and investment environment

To learn more, contact a Client Advisor or call (844) 200-1919.