Fixed Income Investing

Through active fixed income management and proprietary research, we seek competitive performance for your fixed income portfolio, consistent with your objectives.

We offer investment opportunities within the following strategies:

Tax-Exempt Fixed Income

We actively manage tax-exempt municipal securities, customized to your state of residence. While there is no maturity limitation on individual securities, a portfolio's average effective duration is not expected to exceed 7 years.

Full Range Duration Fixed Income

This strategy takes advantage of the entire maturity spectrum.  We focus on high-quality securities investing primarily in investment grade Corporate Bonds, Treasuries, Agencies, MBS, ABS, and CMBS.

Intermediate Duration Fixed Income

This strategy focuses on maturities from 0-10 years.  We invest in high-quality securities focusing on investment grade Corporate Bonds, Treasuries, Agencies, MBS, ABS, and CMBS.

All investments involve risk and there is no guarantee investment objectives will be met.